Tim’s Kitchen Creations: RumChata Toast Crunch
Previously on: Sriracha Ramen, Beer Mac If you’ve never had it, RumChata is a liquor that tastes exactly like Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I don’t know that I really need to connect the dots here. I have an alcohol that tastes…
Tim’s Kitchen Creations: Sriracha Ramen
Previously On: Beer Mac Coming off the unqualified success of Beer Mac, I decided to stay with a college theme for my next kitchen creation. The obvious choice was something to do with ramen. Now, when I was in college,…
Tim’s Kitchen Creations: Beer Mac
One of the staples of college nutrition, Easy Mac is cheap, decent, and easy to make. Which is truth in advertising that is to be commended. When I was a freshman at Wisconsin, I came back from one of the…